Beloved country singer Ivana Pino Arellano, known as “La Rancherita de Chanco,” died in a tragic car accident on the M-80 road near Pelluhe, Chile, one day after her 32nd birthday. The car, which flipped over due to wet conditions, left Arellano dead at the scene and her passenger seriously injured.
Pictures of the crash show the badly damaged vehicle lying on its side against a wall, covered by an orange tarp. Arellano, a rising star and mother of four, was celebrated for blending traditional Latin American sounds with modern styles.
The Municipality of Chanco confirmed her death, stating, “Ivana personified the spirit of public service with passion and love.” They added, “Your departure leaves a void impossible to fill, but your legacy will endure through time.”
Her funeral took place on June 17 at Curanipe Parish Cemetery, attended by family, friends, and fans. The Municipality of Chanco expressed gratitude, saying, “Thank you, Ivana, for giving us days full of light and peace.”
The musician was hailed as “an unforgettable figure whose charisma will forever resonate in our lives” by the village of Chanco, which confirmed the tragic news on social media.
“For us, the name ‘Ivan’ will always mean happiness and joy in its purest essence,” they added.
“Your passing leaves a void that cannot be filled, but your legacy will endure through time, reminding us of the beauty of your spirit and the generosity of your heart.”
The village council agreed and praised Ivana for her unwavering devotion to her family and her commitment to public service.
“Ivana personified the spirit of public service with passion and love, always ready to help others and find solutions even in the most difficult moments,” the musician’s family said.
They said: “Her husband and children were the center of her life and the reason she did everything she did.”
On June 17, mourners gathered at Curanipe Parish Cemetery in Pelluh to pay their last respects.