Banana peels: put them in a bottle. If you use them like this, you will never throw them away again

Banana peels: put them in a bottle. If you use them like this, you will never throw them away again

Recycling is a fundamental process to live better in the environment that surrounds us and at the same time to save money.

Precisely for this reason, you can discover here on this page how to recycle banana peels that we usually throw in the trash with other organic waste.

Throwing away banana peels is a big waste, in fact they can be recycled for more than one reason. They can be transformed, transformed in the right way, into hair and skin care products and even fertilizer for plants.

Using banana peels to fertilize plants is the most common choice because they contain vitamins and minerals such as potassium and magnesium that make plants vigorous and beautiful. In addition, these properties are also perfect for hair and skin since they are the most common ingredients for making masks, creams, conditioners and even shampoos.

For all these reasons, it is very important not to waste this precious ingredient and below you can discover a little-known method that will allow you to make the most of this food waste.

Banana peels: put them in a bottle. If you use them like this, you will never throw them away again
Well, banana peels, if treated in the right way, can become perfect for keeping mosquitoes and even annoying insects away. This home method will be very valuable to solve this problem without having to use chemicals.

Here are the ingredients you need to use:

200 ml of white wine vinegar that you can replace with apple cider vinegar
1 banana peel
400 ml of water
200 gr of sugar
Of course, after collecting these ingredients, you also need to collect a plastic bottle with a capacity of 2 liters.

Read below what you need to do.

You need to cut the plastic bottle in half using a cutter or scissors. Then take a bowl and pour the water, sugar and vinegar into it and start mixing until everything is perfectly homogeneous.

Then transfer the prepared mixture to your plastic bottle and then also dip the banana peel in the liquid.

At the end of this preparation, you just have to place the bottle in a corner of your house where you usually spot many more insects or mosquitoes.

This homemade product will suit you precisely because these insects will be attracted by the sugar present even if at the same time they will not be able to stand the smell.

The most important thing to remember is to necessarily change the mixture every 2 days.

Using this method, you will be able to keep mosquitoes and flies away without using chemicals. Saying goodbye to chemicals will be the right choice both to lighten your wallet and for the health of your body and the environment.

With this do-it-yourself and natural method, you will have no problems, in fact, you will only get an excellent result!

At this point, all you have to do is prove for yourself the effectiveness of this recycling work. Ready to discover all its benefits?