Most Young Men Are Not Approaching Women, and That’s a Problem

Rising rates of male sexlessness, epidemic levels of loneliness: it’s all connected to risk aversion.

59%, to be exact.

That is the percentage of single men aged 18 to 25 who have never approached a woman in the past year for dating.

While for men aged 26 to 40, the number is a tad bit better at 48%.

These figures are from a recent study by psychologist Andrew Thomas, PhD, of

Now, I have been saying this for the longest; most men’s problems with finding love and companionship have little to do with dating apps, ghosting, picky women, or insert perceived gripe here; the biggest problem with a lot of modern men is that they are too damn passive. Instead, they much rather sit on the sidelines and complain about how bad they have it while doing little to change their situation.

Dr Andrew Thomas not only verifies these observations but adds extra insight, which I will delve deeper into below.

Before I begin, I want to highlight that this is only one study, so it won’t be the be-all, end-all on this subject matter. Nevertheless, it provides valuable insights into the psychology of men and their aversion to