This lady had 43 cosmetic surgeries to look like a Barbie doll

Dalia Naeem, a 30-year-old from Baghdad, has undergone 43 cosmetic procedures to resemble a Barbie doll. Known as the “Iraqi Barbie,”

She shares her transformation with over a million Instagram followers, drawing both praise and criticism. Despite the backlash, Dalia appears content with her choices.

It won’t come as a shock to anyone when I say that there are a lot of people in the world who aren’t one hundred percent satisfied with how they look. These days cosmetic procedures and surgeries are becoming increasingly common.

A lot of people aspire to look a certain way and this woman is no exception. Her inspiration happens to be Barbie.

Now, after over 43 surgeries and procedures, she looks a lot different. Keep reading to learn more.

That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re desperate to change their appearance in any major way, only that staring in the mirror and wishing one’s nose was a little smaller, one’s hair a little less thin, one’s skin a little less blemished, is incredibly common. In many ways the refusal to be content with how we look is a uniquely human flaw, and it only seems to have gotten more prevalent since the rise of social media.