Buffalo breeding is an essential part of livestock farming, particularly in regions where buffaloes are valued for milk, meat, and draught power. Here are key aspects of buffalo breeding:
1. Selecting Breeding Stock
- Good Health: Choose healthy animals free from genetic defects and diseases.
- Breed Suitability: Select breeds based on the purpose:
- Milk Production: Murrah, Jaffarabadi, or Nili-Ravi.
- Meat Production: Swamp buffalo or breeds raised for meat.
- Draught Power: Swamp buffalo or other hardy breeds.
- Age & Reproductive History: Select females that have had successful pregnancies and bulls with proven fertility.
2. Breeding Methods
- Natural Mating:
- Traditional and involves allowing a bull to mate with cows.
- Requires good management of bulls to ensure safety and prevent inbreeding.
- Artificial Insemination (AI):
- Provides better genetic control.
- Reduces disease transmission.
- Allows introduction of superior genetic traits.
3. Breeding Management
- Heat Detection: Buffaloes show signs of estrus, such as:
- Restlessness.
- Swelling of the vulva and mucous discharge.
- Standing still while being mounted by other animals.
- Breeding Season: Buffaloes typically breed during cooler months as heat stress reduces fertility.