A 14-year-old boy from Sirauli village in Aligarh tragically passed away due to a heart attack while preparing for a sports competition. The incident occurred on Friday when Mohit Chaudhary, a Class 8 student, collapsed after completing two rounds of running during his training session at school. His friends rushed to inform his family, who took him to a nearby hospital, where doctors declared him dead on arrival.
Mohit’s neighbor, Virendra Singh, shared that the boy had been training hard for the upcoming sports competition scheduled for December 7. “Mohit’s father had died in a road accident in August, and he was living with his mother and relatives.
He was passionate about running and was determined to make his mother proud by securing first place,” Singh said. The young boy’s dedication and rigorous practice had inspired many in the village.
This is the second such death in the area in the last two days, raising concerns about the physical strain placed on young students during sports training. The incident has left the community in shock and mourning, with many calling for increased awareness of health risks and better medical facilities to prevent such tragedies.